Welcome to BS Ventures & its Railroad

The Black Canyon Drinking, Mining & Railroad Company

A RR in Marin County California in 1899 owned by ‘Baron’ Spilsbury aka ‘BS’

Black Canyon

You are in Black Canyon in Marin County California in 1899. 10 years ago ‘Baron’ Spilsbury discovered gold here and has since built a railroad and launched other business ventures. ‘Baron’ Spilsbury is known to his friends and detractors as BS.

BS Ventures

BS Ventures is the Holding Company for all of BS’ businesses, the Black Canyon Mine, Black Canyon Drinking Mining & Railroad Company, BS Liquors, BS Livestock, the Last Resort Hotel and the Baronial Club, a travelling ‘gentlemen’s’ club. BS Ventures is 100% owned by BS and his beloved wife of many years, ‘Baroness’ Spilsbury.

The Black Canyon Drinking Mining & Railroad Company

The railroad division of BS Ventures was constructed to ship gold ore from Black Canyon Mine to smelters located several miles beyond Black Canyon. It also brings lumber, coal. food and other essentials into Black Canyon.


Explore Black Canyon, its railroad, mine, business ventures and characters in BS Galore.


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Open Days

BS Ventures and its RR are open to neighbors and fellow RR enthusiasts several times a year. To be notified of open dates via email, go to Contact and send BS a note.