BS Leisure Services

The Last Resort Hotel

BS’s first foray into the leisure business was the Last Resort Hotel in Red Rock City, the social hub of Black Canyon. It was launched with the promise of ‘Cold Beer’ and ‘Hot Women’ which it has reliably provided since Day One. As BS shows no regard for Marin County Liquor Laws, the ‘Last Resort’ is open 24/7, with music nightly until midnight. BS Security is ever present so bar fights are only allowed to go on for so long, before any life threatening injuries are incurred. BS named The Last Resort is named for a US President!

The Baronial Club

For years, ‘gentlemen’ patrons of the Last Resort asked BS to establish a ‘gentlemen’s’ club. He ignored the requests because locating such a club in Red Rock City would be inappropriate. Then, he had an inspiration. The ‘Baronial Club would be a travelling club, one that did not stay in one place for too long and could be moved at a moment’s notice.

Within weeks, an extended caboose was dismantled, stripped bare and readied for conversion. A few months later the mobile ‘Baronial Club’ was revealed with new furnishings & lighting. By then, all memberships had been sold, and some resold at handsome profit.

Once a year, the club car us used to transport BS and select guest to the Bohemian Grove in the Russian River area of Sonoma County. As no women are allowed at the Grove, the club’s ladies are housed at a hotel in Guerneville to await the return journey a week later.

Other Services

Include a Hunting Camp, RR workers Social Car, a Miner’s Bar and a Wild Animals Park.