Black Canyon Mine

The Beginning

After the Gold Rushes to the California Foothills and beyond, BS wondered whether prospectors had overlooked areas closer to San Francisco. He began exploring posing as a hunter with his lovable Golden Retriever, camping in undeveloped areas. After a year exploring 6 counties he struck gold to the north of San Francisco in Marin County in area called Black Canyon.

Over the next 2 years, he used various nom de plums to buy up tracts of land in the area at modest prices. With his real estate holdings in place he started excavating in 1885, soon realizing that the veins of gold were richer and more extensive than his wildest dreams.

Fast forward to 1899

The Black Canyon Mine has made BS a very wealthy man and continues to add to his coffers..

Landowners duped by BS’s land acquisition tactics continue to seek a share of the wealth via multiple lawsuits but their chances of success are low. BS has many more useful connections than the disgruntled former land owners secured via exclusive, complementary ‘entertainment services’. As one judge noted, the disgruntled sellers are “whistling in the wind”.